Node js slips solution

 SYBBA(CA) Sem IV  Node Js slips solutionsp

 Slip No 1

Slip 1

a) Create a NodeJS file that will convert output "Hello world!" into upper-case letters
b) Create a Node.js file that demonstrate create database student DB and student table (Rno,Sname,Percentage) in MySQL.

Slip 2

a) Create a Node.js Application that uses user defined module to return the factorial of given number.
b) Create NodeJS application that contain the employee registration details and write a javascript to validate DOB, Joining date and salary.

Slip 3

a) Create a Node.js Application that uses user defined module circle.js which exports functions area() and circumference() and display details on console.
b) Create NodeJS application for validating student registration form.

Slip 4

a) Create nodeJS application that accepts first name,last name and DOB of a person & define a module that concatnate first name and last name and also calculate the age of the person.
b) Create teacher profile system.

Slip 5

a) Create a Node.js Application that performs following operations on buffer data
1. concat 3. copy
b) Create NodeJS file that select the all records from the "Customers" table and delete the specified record.

Slip 6

a) Create a Node.js Application that opens the requested file and returns the content to the client if anything goes wrong throw 404 error.
b) Create a Node js file that Select all records from the "student" table, and display the result object on console.

Slip 7

a) Create nodejs to read two file names from user and append contents of first file into second file .
b) Create a Node js file that Select all records from the "customers" table, and display the result object on console.

Slip 9

a)Create a Node.js file that writes HTML form with an upload field.
b) using nodejs create a recipe book.

Slip 11

a) Create simple web server using nodejs that shows the college information
b) using nodejs create computer science department portal.

Slip 12

a) Create NodeJS application to binds two listner to single Event
b) using nodejs create User login System.

Slip 13

a) Create a Node.js application that uses user defined module to find area of rectangle and display details on console.
b) create nodejs application that pdate marks of given student rno in student table and display the result.

Slip 14

a) Create a Node.js application to search particular word in the file and display result on the console.
b) Using NodejS create an Electricity bill system.

Slip 15 A create node.js application to count occurance of given word in a file & display count on console

Slip 16 A event –driven application

B create node.js file that selects all records from table employee & update salary of given emp.

Slip 17 B using node.js display emp details order by salary in table.

Slip No.22. Create a Node.js application to count no of lines in a file in fille and display count on console

Slip 28 A check whether given name is file of directory , if it is file , truncate content after 10 bytes

Slip 30 B create node.js file that demonstrate create database & hospital table(hreg,hname,address,contact) in MySql



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