Saturday, March 28, 2020

C Progrmming Slip 4


Q1. Write a C program to accept two numbers and print arithmetic and harmonic mean of
the two numbers (Hint: AM= (a+b)/2 ,HM = ab/(a+b) ) [15 Marks]
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a,b;
float arithmetic_mean,harmonic_mean;
printf("enter two no. A and B :-");
arithmetic_mean = (a+b) /2;
harmonic_mean = (a*b) / (a+b);
printf("arithmetic mean = %f and harmonic mean =


Q2. Create a structure Student (id, name, marks). Accept details of n students and write a menu
driven program to perform the following operations. [25 Marks]
a) Search student by id
b) Display all students
struct details
 char name[30];
 int eid;
 int salary;
void emp_search(int r)
 int id,i;
 printf("\nEnter Employee-Id to be Searched : ");
 printf("Employee Id : %d",emp[i].eid);
 printf("\nName : %s",emp[i].name);
 printf("\nSalary : %d\n",emp[i].salary);
void display(int r)
 int i;
 printf("\nList of All Employees:\n");
 printf("Emp-Id\tEmp-Name Salary\n");
 printf("%d\t%s\t %d\n",emp[i].eid,emp[i].name,emp[i].salary);
int main()
 int n,i,ch;
printf("/*How Many Employee Record You Want to Add*/\n\nEnter Limit : ");
 scanf("\n %d",&n);
 printf("\n\tEnter Details of Employee-%d",i+1);
 printf("\nName of Employee : ");
 printf("Employee-Id : ");
 printf("Salary : ");
 printf("\n 1:Search Employee by E-ID");
 printf("\n 2:List of All Employee");
 printf("\n 3:Exit");
 printf("Enter Your Choice : ");
 scanf("\n %d",&ch);
case 1: emp_search(n);
 case 2: display(n);
 case 3: exit(0);
 return 0;

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