Monday, April 27, 2020

C Programming Slip 12

Q1. Write a C program to calculate sum of digits of a given input number.[15 Marks]
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int num, sum=0;

    /* Input a number from user */
    printf("Enter any number to find sum of its digit: ");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    /* Repeat till num becomes 0 */
        /* Find last digit of num and add to sum */
        sum += num % 10;

        /* Remove last digit from num */
        num = num / 10;

    printf("Sum of digits = %d", sum);

    return 0;
Q2. Accept two numbers from user and write a menu driven program to perform
 the following operations [25 Marks]
1. swap the values of two variables
2. calculate arithmetic mean and harmonic mean of two numbers
void main()
    int n1,n2,t,choice;
         float arithmetic_mean,harmonic_mean;

    printf("\n Enter the radius of circle:- ");

    printf("\n Please make a choice from the following :");
    printf("\n \n Options:\t \t \t \t"); 
    printf("\n \n 1. SWap :");
    printf("\n \n 2. MEAN ");


    case 1:
        printf("\n swap=%d %d \n \n",n1,n2);


    case 2:
     arithmetic_mean = (n1+n2) /2;
    harmonic_mean = (n1*n2) / (n1+n2);
   printf("arithmetic mean = %f and harmonic mean = %f",arithmetic_mean,harmonic_mean);

    printf("\n You haven made invalid choice \n \n");

} // End of the code 

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