Sunday, May 17, 2020

Computer GK

Computer GK Questions

1. Who invented Compact Disc?
Ans : James T Russel

2. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2

3. Who invented Java?
Ans : James A Gosling

4. Longhorn was the code name of ?
Ans : Windows Vista

5. Who is known as the Human Computer of India?
Ans : Shakunthala Devi

6. What is mean by Liveware?
Ans : People who work with the computer

7. Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?
J.M. Coetzee

8. 'Weaving The Web' was written by.....
Ans : Tim Burners Lee

9. What is Beta Test?
Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch

10. 'Do no evil' is tag line of ......
Ans : Google

11. First Indian cinema released through internet is .....
Ans : Vivah

12. was founded by.....
Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal

13. What is the extension of PDF?
Ans : Portable document format

14. Mows is a type of mouse for ........ people
Ans : Physically handicapped people

15. Expand RDBMS?
Ans : Relational Data Base Management System

16. Difference engine was developed by.....
Ans : Charles Babbage

17. is now owned by ......
Ans : Google

18. World's first microprocessor is .....
Ans : Intel 4004

19. What is SQL?
Ans : Structured Query Language

20. What is the expansion of COBOL?
Ans : Common Business Oriented Language

Covert to nfa

Convert regular expression to nfa

# include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h>

int ret[100];

static int pos = 0;

static int sc = 0;

void nfa(int st, int p, char*s)


int i,sp,fs[15],fsc=0;




























char ps[50];

int i=0,flag=1;



























void main()


int i;

char *inp;


printf("enter the regular expression :");



printf("\nstate intput state\n");


print("%d  --%c--> %d\n", ret[i], ret[i+1,ret[i+2]);



Thursday, May 14, 2020

Computer info

What is Computer?

Computer word comes from english word "compute" that is means Calculation. Computer is basically developed for calculation purpose. In past the computer was a machine that is used for calculation.

Computer Full Form
O= Oriented 
M= Machine
 P= Particularly 
U= United and used under
 T= Technical and
 E= Educational 
R= Research

To work computer properly there is need of both hardware and software.without hardware software not works and without software hardware will not work. Software always gives commands  for hardware to work.
CPU of Computer is connected to various hardwares. All the controling and synchronization between these devices is done by system software that means operating system.

Functions of Computer

Computer functions are processing as follows

(Input) →  (Processing) →(Output)

1. For input in computer we uses input devices like keyboard , mouse it provides commands to computer through software.

2. In this stage commands which are provided by input units are processed by processor through the software guidelines.

3. In last and third stage all the processed information is given for output.which will be available through output devices

Main Parts of Computer

Computer is a machine. All these machinary parts are called as work hardware properly there is need of software. Through the software instructions are provided to hardware. Software is a soul of computer and hardware is body of computer both are required to complete any work of computer.

Other parts of Computer
Central Processing Unit 

Monitor or LCD :-
This part provides display of all compComp is output device.

Keyboard :-
This device used for typing data or is an input device. We can operate computer through keyboard.

Mouse :- 
This device makes easy use of computer. 
It is like a remote device which provides input.

CPU Central Processing Unit :-
It is an main part of computer system where all data is stored. All parts of computer are connected through CPU. 

 U.P.S Uninterrupted Power Supply :-
It is an hardware or machine which provides uninterruptable power supply either switch off or on. It keeps data secure, however the switch is off.


C program to find hypotenuse without math.h

int main()
float p,b,h;
printf("enter the peroendicular and bsae : ");
scanf("%f %f",&p,&b);
printf("The hypotenuse is: %f",h);
return 0;

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Find Multiples

C program to print multiples of 15 from M to N

void main()
 int i, m,n, d ; 
 clrscr() ; 
 printf("Enter the range: ") ; 
 scanf("%d%d", &m,&n) ; 
 C program to print multiples of 15 from M tohe number : ") ; 
 scanf("%d", &d) ; 
 printf("\nThe multiples of given number  %d are :\n\n", d) ; 
 for(i = m ; i <= n ; i++) 
  if(i % d == 0) 
   printf("%d\t", i) ; 
 getch() ; 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

C prog on isgrep

C Program to Simulate grep Command in Linux

void main()
char f1[10],ptrn[10],t[200];
FILE *fp;
printf("Enter file name\n");
printf("Enter pattern \n");

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sum of positive nos

C program to read hundred integers and find the sum of only positive integers and skip negative integer

int main()
      int a[100],i,sum=0;

printf("sum of positive integers=%d",sum);
return 0;


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Computer application

 Computer Applications

1. Uses of the computer in the Education field

Schools and colleges around the world are using computer and internet technologies to teach students digitally and creatively with data visualization. Uses of the computer in a classroom will explore creativity and imagination in students’ minds.  Drawing tools, spreadsheets, Audio, Video lectures, and PowerPoint presentations, etc. are very beneficial for students to learn more deeply and accurately. That created the new education business model called small classes, smart classrooms, and digital classrooms.
2 Use of computer in the business
Computer with the internet connection we can start the business, run the business and manage the business and we can grow the business by the use of a computer.  Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and Alibaba all are websites created by the use of computers and the internet.
We can’t imagine the daily business operations around the world without the use of computer technologies. In the early days when the first mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage, it was used only to control the business system and speed up the business process accurately. But today everything is controlled and managed by computers.
Businesses and companies use a computer to do marketing and business planning, they use a computer to record customer data, they use a computer to manage goods and services.

3. Uses of the computer in hospitals

Uses of the computer in the hospital provide many benefits for doctors and patients. Hospitals can create a database of a patient with their treatment records, medical records. Doctors are using a computer to diagnose the diseases of patients faster. They are taking the help of various medical applications of computer and hardware devices. The use of computer and its application in hospitals are such as to do the research on diseases, blood test, and urine test, brain testing, and body scanning, etc.

4. Uses of the computer in the banking sector

Banks are using computers daily to faster and accurate customer demands. Banks are using a computer to deposit customer money in their account. In this case, the cashier enters the account number of customers in their banking application, they first confirm the account number and customer details and then enter the deposited amount in their banking application by the use of the keyboard.
This process is faster and accurate. Banks are also providing ATMs to withdraw and cash deposit ATMs for their customers. Whenever we deposit, withdraw money we get messages on our mobile number. We can see and print our transaction records without visiting banks. The whole process of banking is done by a computer.
The innovative uses of computer in banking are that customer can operate their bank account by doing internet banking. Banks are providing the customer for accessing, transferring money, monthly bills or shopping bills by the use of computers and mobile.
Also by the use computer customer can get knowledge about various bank loan schemes such as a business loan, home loan and car loan. The customer can also check on the bank websites about loan eligibility and if they are eligible they can apply for the bank loan.

5. Uses of the computer in government offices

The government works or official works take more time to complete in the past. There was lots of staff required in the past to manage citizen’s works. But today citizens, consumers are getting a solution with high speed and accuracy. Because of the use of computers in official works. There are so many applications that speed the process and quality of official works. Such as Microsoft Office package, email, video conferencing tools are few applications that speed the work of government offices with accuracy.

6. Uses of the computer in the home

The computer uses at home depends on the user. There are so many people using the computer at home. Some people are using a computer to take online classes. Some people using the computer to do online business. Some people are using the computer to listen to songs and to watch movies etc.
Else the use of the computer in the home provides great advantages. Such you can access banking and business services from home. You can communicate with people around the world through the use of the computer.

7. Uses of the computer in marketing

The use of a computer with the internet is creating new ways to do the product and services marketing online. Digital marketing services, products, websites, and businesses are growing. Businesses can use a computer to type marketing content, to publish content marketing articles on websites and social media. They can sell and market their products on portals or such as Amazon. Businesses can use PPC to get a quick ROI for their marketing budget.
Companies can chat, email, outsource, apply and can do various works that included in Internet Marketing such as website designing, Search engine optimization, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, etc. all by the use of a computer to market their product and services in best possible ways.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

c prog mv cmd

c program to implement mv command in linux

main( int argc,char *argv[] )
int i,fd1,fd2;
char *file1,*file2,buf[2];
printf("file1=%s file2=%s",file1,file2);


student@ubuntu:~$gcc –o mvp.out mvp.c
student@ubuntu:~$cat > ff
student@ubuntu:~$./mvp.out ff ff1
student@ubuntu:~$cat  ff
cat:ff:No such file or directory
student@ubuntu:~$cat ff1

c prog on line

C program to display different types of lines

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
//initializing graphic driver and
//graphic mode variable
int graphicdriver=DETECT,graphicmode;

//calling initgraph

//Printing message for user
outtextxy(20, 20 + 20, "Program to set different styles of lines in C graphics");

//initilizing the variables
int c , x = 120, y = 80;

//for loop to set different styles of line
for ( c = 4 ; c >= 0 ; c-- )
setlinestyle(c, 0, 3);
line(x, y, x+150, y);
y = y + 20;


return 0;

2D array

Two Dimensional Array in C

Two Dimensional Array in C
The two-dimensional array can be defined as an array of arrays. The 2D array is organized as matrices which can be represented as the collection of rows and columns. However, 2D arrays are created to implement a relational database lookalike data structure. It provides ease of holding the bulk of data at once which can be passed to any number of functions wherever required.

Declaration of two dimensional Array in C
The syntax to declare the 2D array is given below.

data_type array_name[rows][columns];  
Consider the following example.

int twodimen[4][3];  
Here, 4 is the number of rows, and 3 is the number of columns.

Initialization of 2D Array in C
In the 1D array, we don't need to specify the size of the array if the declaration and initialization are being done simultaneously. However, this will not work with 2D arrays. We will have to define at least the second dimension of the array. The two-dimensional array can be declared and defined in the following way.

int arr[4][3]={{1,2,3},{2,3,4},{3,4,5},{4,5,6}};  
Two-dimensional array example in C

int main(){      
int i=0,j=0;    
int arr[4][3]={{1,2,3},{2,3,4},{3,4,5},{4,5,6}};     
//traversing 2D array    
   printf("arr[%d] [%d] = %d \n",i,j,arr[i][j]);    
 }//end of j    
}//end of i    
return 0;  

Friday, May 8, 2020

Storage devices

What is a storage device

A storage device refers to a computing hardware used to store information permanently or temporarily. The device can be external or internal to a computer, server, and other computing systems. Storage devices are also known as storage medias or storage medium. There are two types of storage device: secondary storage device and primary storage device.

Secondary storage device

A secondary storage device has a larger storage capacity and can store data permanently. The device can be both external and internal to a computer and includes; compact disk, USB drive, hard disk, etc.

Primary storage device

A primary storage device is quite smaller in size and it’s designed to capture or hold data for a temporary period. Most primary storage devices are found inside the computer, and they have the fastest access to data. Examples of Primary devices include Cache memory and RAM.

Examples of Storage Device

  • Magnetic Storage Device – one of the most popular types of storage used.
    • Floppy diskette – A normal 3 ½ inch disk can store 1.44 MB of data.
    • Hard drive – An internal hard drive is the main storage device in a computer. An external hard drive is also known as removable hard drive.  It is used to store portable data and backups.
    • Magnetic strip – Magnetic tape drive stores video and audio using magnetic tape, like tape and video tape recorders.
    • Super disk – A disk drive and diskette that can hold 120 MB and 240 MB of data.

  • Optical Storage Device – uses lasers and lights as its mode of saving and retrieving data.
    • Blu-ray disc – A digital optical storage device which was intended to replace the DVD format.
    • CD-ROM disc – An optical storage device that is read-only or cannot be modified nor deleted.
    • CD-R and CD-RW disc – CD-R is a recordable disc that can be written to once, while CD-RW is a rewritable disc that can be written to multiple times.
    • DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW disc – DVD-R and DVD+R are recordable discs that can be written to once, while DVD-RW and DVD+RW are rewritable discs that can be written to multiple times. The difference between the + and – is in the formatting and compatibility.

  • Flash Memory Device – is now replacing magnetic storage device as it is economical, more functional and dependable.
    • Memory card – An electronic flash memory device used to store digital information and commonly used in mobile electronic devices.
    • Memory stick – A memory card that is removable.
    • USB flash drive, jump drive or thumb drive – A small, portable storage device connected through the USB port.

  • Online and Cloud – is now becoming widespread as people access data from different devices.
    • Cloud storage – Data is managed remotely and made available over a network. Basic features are free to use but upgraded version is paid monthly as a per consumption rate.
    • Network media – Audio, Video, Images or Text that are used on a computer network. A community of people create and use the content shared over the internet.

  • Paper Storage – method used by early computers for saving information.
    • OMR – stands for Optical Mark Recognition – A process of capturing marked data of human from forms like surveys and tests. It is used to read questionnaires with multiple choices that are shaded.
    • Punch card – A piece of hard paper used to contain digital information coming from the perforated holes.  The presence or absence of holes in predetermined positions define the data.

C prog print nos

C program to print all the numbers between A and B

void main()
    int num,a,b;
    printf ("Enter range (a,b) : ") ;
    scanf ("%d %d", &a, &b);
    for (num = a; num <= b; num++)
                printf("%d ", num);

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Bca pune University

                      University of Pune

Three Year Degree Programme of Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A.)

1. The title of the programme will be Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) under
Commerce Faculty.
The revised program will be introduced for -
a) F.Y.B.C.A.
b) S.Y.B.C.A.
c) T.Y.B.C.A.

2. Objectives : The objectives of the Programme shall be to provide sound academic base
from which an advanced career in Computer Application can be developed. Conceptual
grounding in computer usage as well as its practical business application will be provided.

3. Eligibility for admission : In order to be eligible for admission to Bachelor of Computer
Applications a candidate must have passed.
a. HSC (10+2) from any stream with English as passing Subject with minimum 40%
marks in aggregate.
b. Two years Diploma in Pharmacy Course of Board of Technical Education,
conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.
c. Three Year Diploma Course (after S.S.C. i.e. 10th Standard), of Board of Technical
Education conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.
e. Every eligible candidate has to pass Common Entrance Test to be conducted by the
respective Institute/College.

4. Duration : The duration of the B.C.A. Degree Program shall be three years divided into six

5. The scheme of Examinations :
The BCA Examination will be of 3600 marks as given Below
a) F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem I + Sem II ) : Credit Pattern
b) S.Y.B.C.A. (Sem III + Sem IV ) : 1200 marks
c) T.Y.B.C.A. (Sem V + Sem VI ) : 1200 marks
II) For Theory Paper There Will Be 80:20 Pattern 80 Marks : University Exam
 20 Marks : Internal Exam
For Practical And Project Examination Sem I to VI : 100 marks
Sem I , II, III , IV ,V ,VI : External Assessment

6. The Standard of Passing and Award of Class
In order to pass in the examination the candidate has to obtain 40 marks out of 100. (Min 32
marks must be obtained in University Examination .
The class will be awarded on the basis of aggregate marks obtained by the candidate for all three
years examinations .
The award of class will be as follows :
Aggregate Percentage of Marks Class
(i) Aggregate 70% and above ....... First Class with Distinction.
(ii) Aggregate 60% and above but less than 70% ........ First Class
(iii) Aggregate 55% and more but less than 60% ........ Higher Second Class
(iv) Aggregate 50% and more but less than 55%. .......... Second Class.
(v) Aggregate 40% and more but less than 50% ........ Pass Class.
(vi) Below 40% ........ Fail.

a) A student shall be allowed to keep term for the Second Year, if he/she has a backlog of
not more than three theory & one practical or four theory heads of total number of subjects
of the First year examination, which consist of First & Second Semester.
b) A student shall be allowed to keep term for the Third year, if he/she has no backlog of
first Year & if he/she has a backlog of not more than three theory & one practical or four
theory heads of total number of subject of the Second Year examination which consist of Third
& Fourth Semester.

8. The Medium of Instruction and Examination (Written and Viva ) shall be English.

Computer hardware

Computer Hardware and Software

Computer Hardware and Software

Computer hardware is like a Physical device which can be used in computer, while computer
Software means collection of codes which can be installed under machine hard drive to work a hardware


The main circuit board of Computer is called as motherboard. Motherboard like a thin plate which holds  various components on it like CPU, Memory , Connectors ,  hard drive and optical drive and expansion card video for to control audio also involves connection of all ports of computer. Actually motherboard is connected to all parts of computer either directly or indirectly.


Do u know What is CentralProcessing Unit or CPU ? CPU is called as the brain of computer system. Processor is located at controls all the processes undergoing in computer. Computer can process fast if it has high speed of processor.


Ram  is a Random Access Memory . It is called as Short Term Memory or Temporary Memory. When Computer performs some calculation then RAM stores results for temporary putpose. If Computer turns off then all the data will be looses. When we writing some document that time we have to save data each time when we edit. so it keeps data permanently stored on hard drive. RAM memory measured by Megabytes (MB) or GivabytGi (GB) .

Hard Drive

Hard Drive is a component where software , documents, files are saved. Here data is stored permanently.

Power Supply Unit

Power supply units has work to supply power from main power supply unit to all the components.

Keyboard is Input Device

Its main use is to enter commands, text, numerical data and  information in computer. To connect with user Computer input devices are used such as keyboard, mouse.

After that it converts entered data into machine language which contains data , instructions that are understandble to  CPU which provided by input devices.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

C Program find byte value

C Program to Find Byte Value of given two variables

int main() {
    int intType;
    float floatType;
    double doubleType;
    char charType;

    // sizeof evaluates the size of a variable
    printf("Size of int: %ld bytes\n", sizeof(intType));
    printf("Size of float: %ld bytes\n", sizeof(floatType));
    printf("Size of double: %ld bytes\n", sizeof(doubleType));
    printf("Size of char: %ld byte\n", sizeof(charType));
    return 0;

alternate digit

Remove alternate digits program in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    int input = 0;
    int len = 0;
    int i = 0;
    char sinput[64] = {0, };

    printf("Enter the number :");
    scanf("%d", &input);
    sprintf(sinput, "%d", input);
    len = strlen(sinput);

    printf("Output : ");
    for (i = 0; i < len; i+=2)
        printf("%c\t", sinput[i]);
    return 0;

Program on CFG

Removing left factoring and left recursion

C Program To Remove Left Factoring

1: #include<stdio.h> 2: #include<string.h> 3: int main() 4: { 5: char gram[20],part1[20],part2[20],modifiedGram[20],newGram[20],tempGram[20]; 6: int i,j=0,k=0,l=0,pos; 7: printf("Enter Production : A->"); 8: gets(gram); 9: for(i=0;gram[i]!='|';i++,j++) 10: part1[j]=gram[i]; 11: part1[j]='\0'; 12: for(j=++i,i=0;gram[j]!='\0';j++,i++) 13: part2[i]=gram[j]; 14: part2[i]='\0'; 15: for(i=0;i<strlen(part1)||i<strlen(part2);i++) 16: { 17: if(part1[i]==part2[i]) 18: { 19: modifiedGram[k]=part1[i]; 20: k++; 21: pos=i+1; 22: } 23: } 24: for(i=pos,j=0;part1[i]!='\0';i++,j++){ 25: newGram[j]=part1[i]; 26: } 27: newGram[j++]='|'; 28: for(i=pos;part2[i]!='\0';i++,j++){ 29: newGram[j]=part2[i]; 30: } 31: modifiedGram[k]='X'; 32: modifiedGram[++k]='\0'; 33: newGram[j]='\0'; 34: printf("\n A->%s",modifiedGram); 35: printf("\n X->%s\n",newGram); 36: }

Remove Left Factoring

C Program To Remove Left  Recusrion

void main()  {
    char input[100],l[50],r[50],temp[10],tempprod[20],productions[25][50];
    int i=0,j=0,flag=0,consumed=0;
    printf("Enter the productions: ");
    while(sscanf(r+consumed,"%[^|]s",temp) == 1 && consumed <= strlen(r))  {
        if(temp[0] == l[0])  {
            flag = 1;
        consumed += strlen(temp)+1;

    if(flag == 1)  {


        printf("The productions after eliminating Left Recursion are:\n");




        printf("The Given Grammar has no Left Recursion");


Remove Left  Recusrion

Enter the productions: E->E+E|T
The productions after eliminating Left Recursion are:

Computer Hacking

Computer Hacking and Prevention

Computer  Hacking is a process to gain unauthorized access of any PC for stealing confidential information.

Hacking is an unauthorized entry into a network or a computer to steal or manipulate information, data or files. The person involved in this process is named as a hacker. Computer hacking is done using several types of programs such as Rootkit, Trojan, Keylogger etc. Hackers also employ techniques like browser hijacks, spoofingphishing etc. to capture user’s personal or financial details.

How to know if your Computer is Hacked?

Your computer may show certain signs of being hacked such as fake antivirus warning messages, unwanted browser toolbar, redirection to strange websites, random pop ups, ransomware message etc. If you receive any of these warning signs, you can be sure that your computer has been targeted by a hacker.

How to Prevent Hacking?

follow some basic security guidelines:

Make sure your security software is up-to-date.Devices’ operating systems and Internet-connected software (like email programs, web browsers, and music players) should be updated regularly. Your computer will typically notify you when a software update is available.

Install antivirus


Email is one of the biggest tools through which hackers spread malware. The spyware or virus are hidden in attachments and links clicking on which the infection begins. Hence, never click on random attachments if those are not from any trusted source.


Hard drives such as pen drives, external hard disk or mobile devices should be scanned by a USB scanner to remove any kind of malware.


Do not keep easy passwords such as- your name followed by1234, your pet name or name & date of birth etc. These information can be easily guessed or can be fetched from social media sites, so follow best password management practices.  You should keep an alpha-numeric password for your accounts including a combination of special characters.

Install  antimalware software. 

If you do not have security software, install a firewall and antivirus software and keep them up-to-date. There are a variety of reputable products available for free or that have a free trial period. These programs help identify the latest threats and allow a user to remove malicious software from their device. Do your research before installing any program and beware of scams that attempt to lure you into disclosing your personal information or that direct you to download programs that may contain malware.

Disable connections when you aren’t using them. If your computer uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to the Internet and other devices, you should turn these features off when you aren’t using them. This can prevent unknown persons from using your network or accessing your devices without your knowledge.



If you are planning to download a music file, video or a utility software do so from a trusted website. Many websites offer a free download of certain high-value software, but those may carry the virus or a spyware released by a hacker to obtain your PC information.