Angular js
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
var app = angular.module("myApp", []); app.controller('userCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.showGames = function () {
$ = [
{ GameName: 'Cricket', PlayerName: 'sachin', GameType: 'outdoor' },
{ GameName: 'Chess', PlayerName: 'V.Anand', GameType: 'Indoor' },
{ GameName: 'Tennis', PlayerName: 'Pet Sampras', GameType: 'outdoor' }];
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="userCtrl">
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-init="Text='Displaying Games array Elements!'">
<p ng-bind="Text"></p>
<div ng-controller="userCtrl">
<div ng-repeat='game in games'>
<input type="button" ng-click="showGames()" value="Click Here"> </button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
var app = angular.module("myApp", []); app.controller('userCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.showCourses = function () {
$scope.ugcourse = [
{ id: 'i', courseName: 'BBA(CA)' },
{ id: 'ii', courseName: 'BCA(Science' },
{ id: 'iii', courseName: 'B.Sc(Computer Science' },
$scope.pgcourses = [
{ id: 'i', courseName: 'M.Sc(Computer Science' },
{ id: 'ii', courseName: 'M.Sc.(CA)' },
{ id: 'iii', courseName: 'MCA' },
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="userCtrl">
<div ng-controller="userCtrl"> UnderGraduate Courses<br>
<div ng-repeat='x in ugcourse'>
Post Graduate Courses
<div ng-repeat='x in pgcourses'>
<input type="button" ng-click="showCourses()" value="Click Here"> </button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="">
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="StudController">
<h1>Displaying Students Details </h1>
<table border=2>
<tr ng-repeat="x in StudDetails">
<td> {{x.rollno}} </td>
<td> {{}} </td>
<td> {{x.class}} </td>
<td> {{}} </td>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller(
'StudController', function ($scope) {
$scope.StudDetails = [{ rollno: 1,
name: 'suresh sinde', class: 'fybba ca', city: 'pune',
}, {
rollno: 2,
name: 'ramesh more', class: 'fybba ca', city: 'mumbai',
}, {
rollno: 3,
name: 'rajesh jadhav', class: 'sybba ca',
city: 'nashik',
}, {
rollno: 4,
name: 'amol dubey', class: 'sybba ca', city: 'nagpur',
}, {
rollno: 5,
name: 'sanjeev mishra', class: 'tybba ca',
city: 'kanpur',
rollno: 6,
name: 'rajeev mishra', class: 'sybba ca',
city: 'lucknow',
rollno: 7,
name: 'aniket bhosale', class: 'fybba ca',
city: 'ahmednagar',
rollno: 8,
name: 'aniket chavan', class: 'fybba ca',
city: 'ahmednagar',
rollno: 9,
name: 'abhay deshmukh', class: 'fybba ca',
city: 'pune',
rollno: 10,
name: 'ajay deshmukh', class: 'tybba ca',
city: 'pune',
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="">
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
<h1>Displaying Bank Details </h1>
<table border=2>
<th>Bank Name</th>
<th>MICR Code</th>
<th>IFSC Code</th>
<tr ng-repeat="bank in BankDetails">
<td> {{bank.bankname}} </td>
<td> {{bank.micr}} </td>
<td> {{bank.ifsc}} </td>
<td> {{bank.address}} </td>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller(
'myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.BankDetails = [{ bankname: 'SBI',
micr: '123456789', ifsc: 'SBIN001122',
address: 'pune',
}, {
bankname: 'HDFC Bank', micr: '1122334455',
ifsc: 'HDFC001122',
address: 'mumbai',
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="">
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
<h4>using ng-model directive</h4>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController" ng-init="number1=20; number2=30"> Number 1: <input type="number" ng-model="number1">
Number 2: <input type="number" ng-model="number2"> Result: {{ number1 + number2 }}
<h4>using ng-bind directive</h4>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
Number 1: <input type="number" ng-model="number3" ng-change="add()"/> Number 2: <input type="number" ng-model="number4" ng-change="add()"/>
<b>Addition=:</b> <span ng-bind="result1"></span>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-init="myButton=true">
<button ng-disabled="myButton">Click Me!</button>
<br /><br />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="myButton"/>Button
<br /><br />
Disabled : {{ myButton }}
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
<input type="button" value="Show Angular" ng-click="ShowHide()"/>
<br><br><div ng-show = "IsVisible">Angular</div>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller(
'myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.number3 = 1;
$scope.number4 = 1;
$scope.add = function () {
$scope.result1 = ($scope.number3 + $scope.number4);
$scope.IsVisible = false;
$scope.ShowHide = function(){
$scope.IsVisible = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<p><a href="#/!home!">Main Page</a></p>
<li><a href="#!dm">CA 301 Digital Marketing</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!ds">CA 302 Data Structure</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!se">CA 303 Software Engineering</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!angular">CA 304 Angular JS </a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!php">CA 304 PHP</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!bigdata">CA 305 bigdata</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!blockchain">CA 305 blockchain</a><br></li>
<div ng-view></div>
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]); app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl : "home.html"
.when("/dm", {
templateUrl : "digitalmarketing.html"
.when("/ds", {
templateUrl : "datastructure.html"
.when("/se", {
templateUrl : "softwareengg.html"
.when("/angular", {
templateUrl : "angular.html"
.when("/php", { templateUrl : "php.html"
.when("/bigdata", { templateUrl : "bigdata.html"
.when("/blockchain", { templateUrl : "blockchain.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p> Unit1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Understanding Internet Marketing
1.3 Search Engine Optimization
1.4 Search Engine Marketing
1.5 Email Marketing
1.6 Digital Display Marketing
2. Introduction to New Age Media (Digital) Marketing<br>
2.1 What is Digital Marketing
2.2 Digital vs. Real Marketing
2.3 Digital Marketing Channels
2.4 Types of Digital Marketing(Overview)-Internet Marketing
,Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing
3. Creating Initial Digital Marketing Plan<br>
3.1 Content management
3.2 SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
3.3 Target group analysis EXERCISE: Define a target group
4. Marketing using Web Sites<br>
4.1 Web design
4.2 Optimization of Web sites
4.3 MS Expression Web
EXERCISE: Creating web sites, MS Expression
5. Search Engine Optimization<br>
5.1 SEO Optimization
5.2 Writing the SEO content EXERCISE: Writing the SEO content
6. Customer Relationship Management<br>
6.1 Introduction to CRM
6.2 CRM platform
6.3 CRM models
7. Social Media Marketing<br>
7.1 Understanding Social Media Marketing
7.2 Social Networking (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.) Social Media (Blogging, Video Sharing - Youtube, Photosharing – Instagram, Podcasts)
7.3 Web analytics - levels
7.4 Modes of Social Media Marketing-
7.4.1 Creating a Facebook page Visual identity of a Facebook page , Types of publications, Facebook Ads , Creating Facebook Ads , Ads Visibility
7.4.2 Business opportunities and Instagram options Optimization of Instagram profiles , Integrating
Instagram with a Web Site and other social networks,Keeping up with posts
7.4.3 Business tools on LinkedIn Creating campaigns on LinkedIn , Analyzing visitation on LinkedIn
7.4.4 Creating business accounts on YouTube YouTube,Advertising , YouTube Analytics
7.4.5 E-mail marketing E-mail marketing plan , E-mail marketing campaign analysis , Keeping up with
7.5 Digital Marketing tools: Google Ads, FaceBook Ads, Google Analytic, Zapier, Google Keyword Planner
EXERCISE: Social Media Marketing plan. EXERCISE: Making a Facebook page and Google Ads 8.Digital Marketing Budgeting<br>
8.1 Resource planning
8.2 Cost estimating
8.3 Cost budgeting
8.4 Cost control
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Angular JS Forms</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>
<body ng-controller="studentController">
<h2>Student Registration Details</h2>
<div ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="studentController">
<form name="studentForm" novalidate>
<table border="1">
<td>Enter first name:</td>
<td><input name="firstname" type="text" ng-model="firstName" ng-pattern="/^[a-zA-Z]*$/" required>
<span style="color:red"
ng-show="studentForm.firstname.$dirty && studentForm.firstname.$invalid">
<span ng-show="studentForm.firstname.$error.required">First Name is required.</span>
<td>Enter last name: </td>
<td><input name="lastname" type="text" ng-model="lastName" ng-pattern="/^[a-zA-Z]*$/" required>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="studentForm.lastname.$dirty && studentForm.lastname.
<span ng-show="studentForm.lastname.$error.required">Last Name is required.</span>
<td> Enter Age:
<input type="text" ng-model="age" name="age" ng-pattern="/^(?:1[8-9]|[2-5][0-9]|50)$/" required/>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="studentForm.age.$dirty && studentForm.age.$invalid">
<span ng-show="studentForm.age.$error.required">age is required.</span>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="studentForm.age.$error.pattern">*Invalid Age. Valid 18-50</span>
<button ng-click="reset()">Reset</button>
<button ng-disabled="studentForm.firstname.$dirty && studentForm.firstname.$invalid || studentForm.lastname.$dirty &&
studentForm.lastname.$invalid||studentForm.age.$invalid && studentForm.age.$dirty" ng- click="submit()">Submit</button>
<input type="number" ng-model="value"><br>
<span>{{ value | greet}}</span>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); mainApp.controller('studentController', function ($scope) {
$scope.reset = function () {
$scope.firstName = "Suresh";
$scope.lastName = "Shinde";
mainApp.filter('greet', function() { return function(input) {
if (input < 12) {
return 'Good Morning';
} else if (input >= 12 && input <= 17) { return 'Good Afternoon';
} else if (input > 17 && input <= 24) { return 'Good Evening';
} else {
return "I'm not sure what time it is!";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Employee Registration Form</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="empController">
<h2>Employee Registration Form</h2>
<div ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="empController">
<form name="employeeForm" novalidate>
<table border="1">
<td>Enter Date of Birth:</td>
<td><input name="dob" type="text" ng-model="dob" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]/" required>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="employeeForm.dob.$dirty && employeeForm.dob.$invalid"></ span>
<span ng-show="employeeForm.dob.$error.required">Date of Birth is required.</span>
<span ng-show="employeeForm.dob.$error.pattern">Not a valid date of birth !</span>
<td>Enter the Joining Date: </td>
<td><input name="jdate" type="text" ng-model="jdate" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]/" required>
<span style="color:red" ng-show="employeeForm.jdate.$dirty && employeeForm.jdate.$invalid">
<span ng-show="employeeForm.jdate.$error.required">Joining Date is required.</span>
<span ng-show="employeeForm.jdate.$error.pattern">Not a valid joining date!</span>
Enter the Salary:
<input type="text" ng-model="salary" name="salary" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]/" required />
<span style="color:red" ng-show="employeeForm.salary.$dirty && employeeForm.salary.
<span ng-show="employeeForm.salary.$error.required">salary is required.</span>
<span ng-show="employeeForm.salary.$error.pattern">Not a valid number!</span>
<button ng-click="reset()">Reset</button>
<button ng-disabled="employeeForm.dob.$dirty && employeeForm.dob.$invalid || employeeForm.jdate.$dirty &&
employeeForm.jdate.$invalid||employeeForm.salary.$invalid && employeeForm.salary.$dirty" ng-click="submit()">Submit</button>
<label> Enter First Value</label><input type="number" name="first" ng-model="number1"><br>
<label>Enter Second Value</label><input type="number" name="second" ng-model="number2">
<br>select operation<br>Addition<input type="radio" value="+" name="arith" ng- model="status"><br>
Substraction<input type="radio" value="-" name="arith" ng-model="status"><br> Multiplication<input type="radio" value="*" name="arith" ng-model="status"><br>
Division<input type="radio" value="/" name="arith" ng-model="status"><br>
<div ng-switch="status">
<div ng-switch-when="+">
<h2>{{number1 + number2}} </h2>
<div ng-switch-when="-">
<h2>{{number1 - number2}} </h2>
<div ng-switch-when="*">
<h2> {{number1*number2}}</h2>
<div ng-switch-when="/">
<h2> {{number1/number2}}</h2>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); mainApp.controller('empController', function ($scope) {
$scope.reset = function () {
$scope.dob = "";
$scope.jdate = "";
$scope.salary = "";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<center><h2>HOTELS IN PUNE</h2></center>
<p><a href="#/!">HOME Page</a></p>
<li><a href="#!mariott">J W MARRIOTT</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!royalorchid">Royal Orchid</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!lemontree">Lemon Tree</a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!tcr">The Corinthians Resort </a><br></li>
<li><a href="#!pride">Pride Hotel</a><br></li>
<div ng-view></div>
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]); app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl : "home.html"
.when("/mariott", { templateUrl : "marriott.html"
.when("/royalorchid", { templateUrl : "royalorchid.html"
.when("/lemontree", { templateUrl : "lemontree.html"
.when("/tcr", { templateUrl : "tcr.html"
.when("/pride", { templateUrl : "pride.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Welcome to Pride Hotel</h1>
<p>Address:5, University Rd, Narveer Tanaji Wadi, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411005</p>
<p>Contact:020 66471741</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Welcome to Lemon Tree Hotel</h1>
<p>Address: P4, Phase 1, Hinjewadi Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjawadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411057</p>
<p>Contact:020 4423 2323</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Welcome to JW Marriott Hotel</h1>
<p>Address: Senapati Bapat Rd,
Laxmi Society, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411053</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Welcome to Royal Orchid Hotel</h1>
<p>Address: Marisoft Annexe, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014</p>
<p>Contact:020 4000 3000</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<div class="container-fluid">
<center><h3>Historical places in india</h3></center>
<nav class="navbar bg-light">
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#!aurangabad">Aurangabad</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#!pune">Pune</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#!agra">Agra</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#!jodhpur">Jodhpur</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#!hyderabad">Hyderabad</a>
<div ng-view></div>
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]); app.config(function ($routeProvider) {
.when("/", {
templateUrl: "home.html"
.when("/aurangabad", { templateUrl: "aurangabad.html"
.when("/pune", { templateUrl: "pune.html"
.when("/agra", { templateUrl: "agra.html"
.when("/jodhpur", { templateUrl: "jodhpur.html"
.when("/hyderabad", { templateUrl: "hyderabad.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>aurangabad page</p>
<img src = "ajanta.jpg"
alt = "Ajanta Elora Caves" />
</html> pune.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src = "pune.jpeg" alt = "Pune City" />
<p>pune page</p>
</html> agra.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>agra page</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>jodhpur page</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>hyderabad page</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
var invoice = angular.module('invoice', []); invoice.controller('InvoiceController', function($scope){
$scope.invoice = { items: [{
name: '',
contactno: '',
gender: '',
$ = function(){ var total = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.invoice.items, function(item){ total += item.qty * item.price;
return total;
<div ng-app="invoice">
<h1>Customer Invoice Example</h1>
<section class="row" ng-controller="InvoiceController">
<th>Total Amount</th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in invoice.items">
<td><input type="text" ng-model="" /></td>
<td><input type="number" ng-model="item.contactno"/></td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="item.gender" /></td>
<td><select ng-model="item.favorite" id="mySelect">
<td><input type="number" name="price" ng-model="item.price"></td>
<td><input type="number" ng-model="item.qty" /></td>
<td>{{item.qty * item.price}} Rs</td>
<td>Amout to be Paid : </td>
<td>{{total()}} Rs</td>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Students Marksheet Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="studentController" >
<h2>Student Marksheet Program</h2>
<form name="form1">
<table border="1">
<td>Enter roll number</td>
<td><input type="number" ng-model="rollno"></td>
<td>Enter student name: </td>
<input type="text" name="sname" ng-model="studName">
<td>Enter Class </td>
<td><input type="text" name="sclass" ng-model="class1"> </td>
<td>Enter Subject1 Marks</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="subject1" ng-model="sub1"></td>
<td>Enter Subject2 Marks</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="subject2" ng-model="sub2"></td>
<td>Enter Subject3 Marks</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="subject3" ng-model="sub3"></td>
<td> <input type="button" value="Display Result" ng-click="isShowHide('show')">
<div ng-show="showval" >
Mark Sheet of Student<br><br>
<form name="form2" controller="studentController">
<table border="2">
<td>name</td><td>class</td><td>subject1</td><td>subject2</td><td>subject3</td><td>Total</ td><td>percentage</td><td>grade</td>
<td>{{sub1 + sub2 + sub3}}</td>
<td>{{(( sub1+sub2+sub3)/300)*100;}}</td>
<td><input type="text" name="grade" ng-model="grade"></td>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); mainApp.controller('studentController', function ($scope) {
$scope.isShowHide = function (param) { if (param=="show") {
$scope.showval = true;
if($scope.per=74 && $scope.per<=100)
else if($scope.per=60 && $scope.per<74)
else if($scope.per>=45 && $scope.per<59)
else if($scope.per>=35 && $scope.per<45)
$scope.grade="Pass"; else
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Students Marksheet Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="custController">
<h2>Customer Information for Plain Booking</h2>
<form name="form1">
<table border="1">
<td>Enter name of Customer</td>
<td><input type="text" name="custname" ng-model="custname"></td>
<td>Enter address of Customer </td>
<input type="text" name="custaddr" ng-model="custaddr">
<td>Enter Contact No </td>
<td><input type="number" name="custcontact" ng-model="custcontact"> </td>
<td>Enter Gender </td>
<td> <input type="text" name="custgender" ng-model="custgender"></td>
<td>Enter Date of Booking</td>
<td> <input type="date" name="custdob" ng-model="custdob"></td>
<td>Enter Date of Journey</td>
<td> <input type="date" name="custdoj" ng-model="custdoj"></td>
<td>Enter No.of Passenger</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="custpass" ng-model="custpass"></td>
<td> <input type="button" value="Display Result" ng-click="isShowHide('show')">
<div ng-show="showval">
<h3> eTicket of Passenger for Plain</h3><br><br>
<form name="form2" controller="custController">
<table border="2">
<td>Date of Booking</td>
<td>Date of Journey</td>
<td>No. of passengers</td>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('custController', function ($scope) {
$scope.showval = false;
$scope.isShowHide = function (param) { if (param == "show") {
$scope.showval = true;
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Students Marksheet Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="busController as bus">
<h2>Bus Reservation System</h2>
<table border="1">
<td>Enter the Name of Passenger</td>
<td><input type="text" name="name1" ng-model=""></td>
<td>Enter your Address </td>
<input type="text" name="baddress" ng-model="bus.address">
<td>Enter Contact No </td>
<td><input type="text" name="bcontactno" ng-model="bus.contactno"> </td>
<td>Enter Source Station</td>
<td><select name="source" ng-model="bus.source">
<td>Enter Destination Station</td>
<td><select name="dest" ng-model="bus.dest1">
<td>Enter Date of booking</td>
<td> <input type="date" name="dob" ng-model="bus.dob"></td>
<td>Enter Date of journey</td>
<td> <input type="date" name="doj" ng-model="bus.doj"></td>
<td>Enter No of Passengers</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="noofpass" ng-model="bus.noofpass"></td>
<td> <input type="button" value="Display eTicket" ng-click="isShow('show')">
<div ng-show="showval">
e-Ticket of Person<br><br>
<table border="2">
<td> name
<td>date of booking</td>
<td>date of journey</td>
<td>number of Passengers</td>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('busController', function ($scope) {
$scope.showval = false;
$scope.isShow = function (param) {
if (param == "show") {
$scope.showval = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
var app = angular.module("myApp", []); app.controller('studCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.showStudent = function () {
$scope.stud = [
{ name: 'suresh', city: 'pune' },
{ name: 'ramesh', city: 'pune' },
{ name: 'rajesh', city: 'mumbai' },
{ name: 'sachin', city: 'mumbai' },
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="studCtrl">
<div ng-controller="studCtrl"> List of students living in pune<br>
<table border="2">
<tr ng-repeat="x in stud | filter:'pune'">
<input type="button" ng-click="showStudent()" value="Click Here"> </button>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Searching name in Angularjs</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="FilterController">
<div ng-controller="FilterController">
Enter the character:
<input type="text" name="searchname" ng-model="searchname">
<div ng-hide="users"></div>
<tr ng-repeat="a in users | filter : searchname"ng-show="searchname">
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); mainApp.controller("FilterController", function ($scope) {
$scope.users = [{
name: "Samarth kulkarni",
}, {
name: "abhay deshmukh",
name: "ramesh jadhav",
}, {
name: "sachin dubey",
}, {
name: "Ajay kamthe",
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
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<h1>welcome to our College Department</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<li> <a href="#!Staff1">Staff1</a></li>
<li> <a href="#!Staff2">Staff2</a></li>
<li> <a href="#!Staff3">Staff3</a></li>
<li><a href="#!Staff4">Staff4</a></li>
<div ng-view></div>
<div class="col">
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]); app.config(function ($routeProvider) {
.when("/Staff1", { templateUrl: "Staff1.html"
.when("/Staff2", { templateUrl: "Staff2.html"
.when("/Staff3", { templateUrl: "Staff3.html"
.when("/Staff4", { templateUrl: "Staff4.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src = "faculty.jpeg" alt = "Faculty Image" />
<p>welcome to staff1 web page</p>
</html> Staff2.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src = "faculty.jpeg" alt = "Faculty Image" />
<p>welcome to staff2 web page</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
var app = angular.module("myApp", []); app.controller('empCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.showEmployee = function () {
$scope.emp = [
{ name: 'suresh', city: 'pune',salary:'5000' },
{ name: 'ramesh', city: 'pune',salary:'6000' },
{ name: 'rajesh', city: 'mumbai',salary:'7000' },
{ name: 'sachin', city: 'mumbai',salary:'8000'},
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="empCtrl">
<div ng-controller="empCtrl">
List of employees order by salary<br>
<table border="2">
<tr ng-repeat="x in emp| orderBy:'salary'">
<input type="button" ng-click="showEmployee()" value="Click Here"> </button>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Angular JS Validation Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="personController">
<h2>Angular JS Person Information</h2>
<form name="personform" novalidate="true">
<table border="1">
<td>Enter the Name of Person</td>
<td><input type="text" name="name1" ng-model="name1" ng-pattern="/^[a-zA-Z]*$/" required></td>
<td><span style="color:red" ng-show="personform.name1.$dirty && personform.name1.$invalid"></span>
<span ng-show="personform.name1.$error.required">Name is required.</span>
<span ng-show="personform.name1.$error.pattern">only characters are allowed.</span>
<td>Enter your MobileNo </td>
<td><input type="number" name="mobile" ng-model="mobile" ng-pattern="/^[7-9][0-9]{9}$/" ng- minlength="10" ng-maxlength="10"
<td> <span ng-show="$error.required">Phone number is required</span>
<span ng-show="$error.pattern"> Valid phone number is required</span>
<td>Enter Pin Code</td>
<td><input type="number" name="pincode" ng-model="pincode" ng-pattern="/^[0-5]{6}$/" ng- minlength="6" ng-maxlength="6" required> </td>
<td> <span ng-show="personform.pincode.$error.required">pin code is required</span>
<span ng-show="personform.pincode.$error.pattern">Valid pin code is required</span>
<td>Enter Email ID</td>
<td> <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="email" ng-maxlength="100" required></td>
<td><span style="color:red" ng-show="$dirty &&
<span ng-show="$error.required">Email is required.</span>
<span ng-show="$">Invalid email address.</span>
<td> <input type="button" value="Display Person Info" ng-click="isShow('show')">
<div ng-show="showval">
Information of Person<br><br>
<table border="2">
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('personController', function ($scope) {
$scope.showval = false;
$scope.isShow = function (param) {
if (param == "show") {
$scope.showval = true;
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Students Marksheet Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="docController">
<h2>Doctor Information Details Form</h2>
<table border="1">
<td>Enter the Doctor Number</td>
<td><input type="number" name="docno" ng-model="docno"></td>
<td>Enter the Doctor Name </td>
<input type="text" name="docname" ng-model="docname">
<td>Enter the Doctor Address </td>
<td><input type="text" name="docaddress" ng-model="docaddress"> </td>
<td>Enter Phone Number</td>
<td> <input type="number" name="phone" ng-model="phone"></td>
<td>Enter the Doctor Specialization</td>
<td> <input type="text" name="docspl" ng-model="docspl"></td>
<td> <input type="button" value="Doctor Details" ng-click="isShow('show')">
<div ng-show="showval">
Doctor Details<br><br>
<table border="1">
<td>Doctor No</td>
<td>Doctor Name</td>
<td>Doctor Address</td>
<td>Doctor Phone</td>
<td>Doctor Specialization</td>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('docController', function ($scope) {
$scope.showval = false;
$scope.isShow = function (param) { if (param == "show") {
$scope.showval = true;
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Angular JS Validation Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="voterController">
<h2>Voter Details Form</h2>
<form name="voterform" novalidate="true">
<table border="1">
<td>Enter the Name of voter</td>
<td><input type="text" name="name1" ng-model="name1" ng-pattern="/^[A-Z]*$/" ng- required="true"></td>
<td><span style="color:red" ng-show="voterform.name1.$dirty && voterform.name1.$invalid"></ span>
<span ng-show="voterform.name1.$error.required">Voter Name is required.</span>
<span ng-show="voterform.name1.$error.pattern">only Uppercase characters are allowed.</span>
<td>Enter the voters age </td>
<td><input type="number" name="age" ng-model="age" ng-pattern="/^(?:1[8-9]|[2-5][0-9]|100)$/" ng-required="true"></td>
<td> <span ng-show="voterform.age.$error.required">voter age is required</span>
<span ng-show=" voterform.age.$error.pattern"> Voter age should be more than 18</span>
<td>Enter the Nationality</td>
<td><input type="text" name="nat" ng-model="nat" ng-required="true"> </td>
<td> <span ng-show="voterform.nat.$error.required">Nationality is required</span>
<span ng-show="voterform.pincode.$error.pattern">Nationality should be Indian</span>
<td> <input type="button" value="Voter Info" ng-click="isShow('show')">
<div ng-show="showval">
voter Information<br><br>
<table border="1">
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('voterController', function ($scope) {
$scope.showval = false;
$scope.isShow = function (param) {
if (param == "show") {
$scope.showval = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
<form name="loginform" ng-submit="save(this)" novalidate>
Enter Username<input placeholder="User Name" name="name" ng-model="theName" ng- minlength="3"
ng-required="true" /><br>
<span ng-show="$dirty &&$invalid"></span>
<span ng-show="$error.required">User Name is required</span><br><br> Enter Password <input placeholder="Password" name="pass1" ng-model="thePwd" type="password"
ng-minlength="8" ng-required="true" /><br><br>
<span ng-show="loginform.pass1.$dirty && loginorm.pass1.$invalid"></span>
<span ng-show="loginform.pass1.$error.required">Password is required.</span><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
var mainApp = angular.module("myApp", []); mainApp.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
$ = function ($this) {
if ($$error.minlength) { alert("Username is too short");
else if($this.loginform.pass1.$error.minlength)
alert("password should be eight chars");
else if($$valid && $this.loginform.pass1.$valid) alert("valid credentials");
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Searching name in Angularjs</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="FilterController">
<div ng-controller="FilterController">
Enter the Search Keyword:
<input type="text" name="searchname" ng-model="searchname">
<div ng-hide="users"></div>
<tr ng-repeat="a in users | filter : searchname" ng-show="searchname">
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []); mainApp.controller("FilterController", function ($scope) {
$scope.users = [{
name: "Education",
}, {
name: "Sports",
}, {
name: "Bollywood",
}, {
name: "Politics",
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Angular JS Validation Program</title>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="personController">
<h2>Login Applicationn</h2>
<form name="personform" novalidate="true">
<table border="1">
<td>Enter Email ID</td>
<td> <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="email" ng-required="true"></td>
<td><span style="color:red" ng-show="$dirty &&
<span ng-show="$error.required">Email is required.</span>
<span ng-show="$">Invalid email address.</span>
<td>Enter Password </td>
<td><input placeholder="Password" name="pass1" ng-model="thePwd" type="password" ng-minlength="8" ng-required="true" /></td>
<span ng-show="personform.pass1.$dirty && personorm.pass1.$invalid"></span>
<span ng-show="personform.pass1.$error.required">Password is required.</span>
<span ng-show="personform.pass1.$error.minlength">Password should be 8 chars</span></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"></td>
var mainApp = angular.module("mainApp", []);
mainApp.controller('personController', function ($scope) {
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<html ng-app="myApp">
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<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">E Learning System</a>
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<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
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<a class="nav-link" href="#!/home">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>
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<a class="nav-link" href="#!/management">Management</a>
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<a class="nav-link" href="#!/staff">Staff</a>
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<a class="nav-link" href="#!/about">About Us</a>
<div ng-view></div>
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute']);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/home', { templateUrl : 'home.html',
.when('/management', { templateUrl : 'management.html',
.when('/staff', { templateUrl : 'staff.html',
.when('/about', { templateUrl : 'about.html',
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
$scope.message = 'Hello Welcome to Home page';
</html> home.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>welcome is Home page</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>welcome to management page</h1>
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<p>welcome to staff page</p>
</html> about.html
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<h1>this is abous us page</h1>
<p>For technical queries kindly contact following nos</p>