Saturday, March 28, 2020

C Progrmming slip 3


Slip 3
Q1. Write a C program to accept temperatures in Fahrenheit (F) and display it in Celsius(C)
and Kelvin (K) (Hint: C=5.0/9(F-32), K = C + 273.15) [15 Marks]
int main()
float cel,fer,kel;
printf("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit :");
cel= (fer-32)/1.8 ;
printf("Celsius = %f \n",cel);
kel = (fer-32)/1.8 + 273.15 ;
printf("Kelvin = %f \n",kel);
return (0) ;


Q2. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on strings using standard
library functions: [25 Marks]
Length of String 2. Copy String 3. Connect Two Strings 4. Compare two strings
 void main()
 char str[20],str1[20];
 int ch,i,j;
 printf("\n1:Find Length");
 printf("\n2:Copy the Strings");
 printf("\n3:Compare the Strings");
 printf("\n4:Concatenate the Strings");
 printf("\nEnter your choice: ");

case 1:
 printf("\nEnter the string: ");
 printf("\nThe Length of given string is: %d",i);
 case 2:
 printf("\nEnter the first string: ");
 printf("\nEnter the second string: ");
 printf("\nThe Copied string is: %s",str);
 case 3:
 printf("\nEnter the first string: ");
 printf("\nEnter the second string: ");
 printf("\nThe string is same");
 printf("\nThe string is not same");
 case 4:
 printf("\nEnter the first string: ");
 printf("\nEnter the second string: ");
 printf("\nThe Concatenated string is: %s",str);
 case 5:

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